Wednesday, January 15, 2014



I'm Amanda and this is my (kind of?) blog - granted a very rough start to said blog. I've been inspired by all of the creative and crazy people out there who have provided me with recipes, decoration ideas, craft tutorials, and mood-lifting stories.

I hope to use this space to record my kitchen successes and disasters (I LOVE COOKING & BAKING), favorite craft projects (I knit & crochet, AND I recently got a sewing machine and am an addict), and the adventures that I embark on with my boyfriend, Jess, and our two pooches, Jamison & Ginger. I make no promises on the frequency or quality of posts, I am not a writer.

Here's a little about me to get us started -

As previously mentioned, I love cooking. My favorite time of the day is the hour (give or take a few) I spend making dinner for the boyfriend and myself. I love looking up and reading recipes but I literally CANNOT follow one, I always add, subtract, and subsitute ingredients. Everything can be altered a little bit, right? I am also a baker; I love to make cookies, cakes, and recently have taken up dog treats, which my pups are supporters of. I love my dogs, who are the inspiration for my blog title. Jamison (I changed the spelling of his name to make it look more like the drink, hahaha I'm so clever) is a 4 1/2 year old Pomeranian and he is a feisty one. He's mama's boy 100%. He always has to be in my lap if I'm sitting down and if I'm cooking he lays by the door to the kitchen, always out of the way like a good doggy, but secretly waiting to pounce on any dropped bits of food. We got him when he was a tiny 8 week old fluffball and now he's a 12 lb mountain of fur & love!

Jamison guarding his chewy - he takes it very serious.

First Mate Jamison! He loves boating!

A few months ago we added Ginger (Ginger Ale, get it, Jamison and Ginger Ale? ha) to our family and she's just the sweetest.  Poor girl was a stray for almost a year and then adopted for a year and then returned and she just hasn't had a great life.  She's a 3 1/2 year old Beagle who is full of energy the moment you open the door but ready to nap all day if she's inside.  She is a big cuddler, always trying to be under your arm or snuggled in your neck.   

She LOVES the snow

Ginger being adorable.
Here are some other things I love, in no particular order: traveling, J. Crew, coffee and coffee flavored things (i.e. ice cream), Harry Potter and all things fantastical, organization and scheduling, Lilly Pulitzer, the beach, sunny days and snowy days, reading the news, my sorority, getting dressed up, drinking with friends, going to the movies, and sushi.

To accompany the things I love, here are some things I'm not fond of: cilantro and mushrooms (YUCK), fog, locked spaces (it's cleithrophobia, it is real and it is terrifying), driving, being hot, dirty dishes, and alarm clocks.

I'm sure more of my flaws and interesting facts will emerge as this blog develops. Until then, tschau! (That's a German way of saying bye! Oh yea, I speak German.)

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