Thursday, June 26, 2014

This is me apologizing.

I'm a terrible blogger. 

Clearly, I am one of those that think "I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS...I should start a blog," only to write 10 posts and forget about it.  I promise I still have stuff to write about, I just got so overwhelmed!  We've been traveling a little bit (nothing exciting), I've been working a little more (don't feel bad for me, it's not a lot), and...drumroll, please...I started a diet.

Well, I suppose you could call it a "lifestyle change."  But we will call it what it is: Weight Watchers. I very passively did WW with my Mom a few years ago while living at home for summer and I have to admit that it works.  So the last 6 months or so I have just felt generally unhealthy, sluggish, and lazy(?).  Now let me tell you, I don't work out.  I can't run because my knees are too weak and vulnerable, and honestly I am not one of those people who feel better after excercise.  I feel sweaty and tired and it isn't pleasant.  So, on a whim, I decided I needed to eat healthier and maybe I would feel better.  I also knew that without some kind of incentive, I probably wouldn't stick with it: insert paying for Weight Watchers. 

It has been two and a half weeks and I've got to admit, I feel great.  I've lost a few pounds, but more than that I feel better.  Dresses that haven't fit in a year not zip up with ease, my face looks thinner, and I feel better.  Along with my new healthy eating kick, I started taking an iron supplement because I've had chronically low iron for years.  Did you know that low iron can make breathing difficult?  Well it does.  Now I am more energized, I sleep better, and just generally feel better.  Such big changes!  So, women, if you are tired all the time, get winded easy (I would feel out of breath just walking down to the basement...), maybe go get your iron checked!  It is common in women to have low iron. 

So, new and improved Adventures with Jameson & Ginger Ale: Healthy(er?) recipes, re-evaluation of old recipes with points values added, portion control, healthy habit tips, along with fun craft stuff as it happens.  I have not forgotten about my sewing machine, but I've been working on a dress that is taking longer than I'd like.  So until that gets done, there probably won't be many sewing posts. 

Thanks again for paying attention to my ramblings, and sorry I suck at blogging.

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