Saturday, March 29, 2014

Why I'm Obsessed with Coconut Oil and Why You Should Be, Too!

So I'm sure you've heard the craze about coconut oil over the last year(ish) and I'm here to push you further into it! I LOVE COCONUT OIL! It is seriously the best multi-use product I've come across - I use it in the bathroom and in the kitchen. I must be completely honest and say you have to like the smell and to some extent the taste of coconut to use the oil like I do, but if it doesn't bother you then keep on reading. Here I'm going to provide you with some examples of how I use coconut oil and why, and then I've got some great links to other articles and blog posts from around the web about it, too.
via Google...
I bought my first jar of organic coconut oil from TJ Maxx (lovvvve) after reading about its moisturizing properties in a magazine. My scalp was kind of dry, so I read that you rub a little bit of oil on it before going to bed, sleep, then just wash it out in the shower and voila: moisturized scalp without it looking or feeling oily. Well I tried it and it totally worked. That escalated and I started using it as a moisturizer on my arms and legs before I went to bed in the winter because they were all itchy against my sheets. It worked, too! Since then I've pretty much been obsessed with it.

A little description of coconut oil: it is a solid (gross comparison, but similar consistency to lard) at room temperature, and then when it gets heated up just a little, like in your hands, it turns to a liquid. So all you have to do is scoop a bit out and warm it up in your hands and just like that you have a spreadable liquid! I just keep a spoon with my jar so I can easily get the oil out once it is down below where my hand can reach.

Here are some ideas on how to use it (there are plenty more, this is just what I use it for):

1. scalp & hair mask - just take about 1-2 tablespoons (depending on how much hair you have), melt it a little in your hands and then smooth from scalp to tips of your hair. Your hair will look like you haven't washed it in weeks, but it'll smell great and when you wash it out you'll feel refreshed and your hair will be oh so soft! I do this right before bed, and sleep with it in my hair then wash it out in the morning. It will leave an oily residue on your pillowcase, but it smells great and as long as you wash your sheets regularly it shouldn't be a big deal.

2. hair detangler and smoother - rub a bit of oil on any feisty tangles or JUST A BIT on the ends of styled hair to keep flyaways and ragged ends away. I emphasize just a bit because it is an oil and too much will make your hair look like you put oil in it, you feel me? I use it if I'm going to go swimming - I pretty much saturate my hair with coconut oil and just twist it up (ish, for those of you who know me, you know that my hair is too short to actually put up, but I can pull it back) and then when the day is done, the tangles are much easier to comb out.

3. moisturizer - I use this all over my body, so I just keep scooping out oil and warming it up until I've covered everwhere that needs it. Focus on dry places like elbows and knees! Don't forget about your face and lips! It may look oily at first, but after a few minutes it will soak into your skin and look good as new.

4. facial cleanser - mix a small spoonful of coconut oil with a pinch of baking soda, rub over face gently, then wipe away gritty reside with a warm, wet cloth. The coconut oil should stay on your skin as a bonus bit of moisture, too.

5. blemish remover - coconut oil has tons of anitbacterial and antifungal properties. So when you feel a zit coming along (or you don't need to feel it because it is right there staring you in the eyes saying that it is going to ruin your day) take a hefty (maybe 1/8 teaspoon, haha) glob and smear it over the spot. Do this a few times a day as you feel nevessary until the spot has reduced!

6. cuticle care - don't want to buy expensive (for tiny little tubes! what a rip-off!) cuticle care creams? just rub a bit of coconut oil into your cuticles and push them back/care for them as usual. I used to just use regular lotion to soften my cuticles, but I always did it when I was planning on doing a manicure and that made my hands all slick and stuff, coconut oil absorbs better and quicker so as to not hinder the nail-doing-process.

7. baking - making brownies that call for 1/2 cup oil? use coconut oil! I use it in any kind of sweet baking mix that calls for vegetable or canola oil. You can't really taste the coconut, but I like to think it adds a little something extra. I've not been brave enough to use it as a cooking oil like in a frying pan, but I know a lot of people do. I just don't really want my fried chicken to taste like it's from West Palm Beach, but that's just me.

So those are the ways that I'm currently using it. However, I just read about this thing called "oil pulling" and I think I'm going to try it. It seems too good to be true, but knowing what I know about the benefits of coconut oil, I can't help but believe it! I'll just let FashionLush tell you about oil pulling, if you're interested.

Here are some other sites I've found documenting the wonders of coconut oil:
Coconut Oil Moisturizing Hair Treatment
50 Best Uses for Coconut Oil
ANOTHER 50 Uses for Coconut Oil
20 Frugal Ways to Use Coconut Oil

You can find it on or at your grocery store in the organic section, Trader Joe's, or TJ Maxx in the cooking section.
via Google, again...

What do you use coconut oil for? Anything I'm missing in my daily routine?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tips & Tricks for Happy Apartment (or small home) Living

Sorry, only one stock photo today...I was lazy. 

So it says right up there at the top of the page: I live in a tiny apartment. It wasn't a huge deal to move into it, since I recently graduated college and have been living in dorm rooms, the sorority house, with lots of roommates, etc. However, Jess came from living in his own home so it took a bit of finagling to get all of our furniture to fit well in our one-bedroom apartment. We've lived here eight months now and it seems we are constantly acquiring new things and having to figure out where to put them or just small things to make a rental space feel more like home.

I have compiled a few ideas for how to maintain sanity in a small apartment (or a small house), particularly if you're renting and can't make the big changes you may want to.

1. Keep Things Tidy
This one isn't really a problem for me - ask any roommate I've ever had and they'll tell you I'm crazy about being picked up and clean. My room never (or rarely, maybe if I'm sick or just got back from vacation) has dirty clothes on the floor or shoes scattered about. I always make a point to put things back where they belong when I'm finished with them. This helps keep your already small space from feeling like it is getting smaller. Trust me, you'll be much more comfortable in a picked up apartment! Now if I could only convince Jess of this...

2. Have a Place for Everything
Part of keeping things tidy is organization: have a designated place to keep everything! I'm a huge fan of small tubs, crates, plastic boxes, etc. I have them in the kitchen cabinets, my bathroom, the closets, TV get the idea. Make it work for you, if it helps you to keep your chargers in your bedroom, then do it; if it helps you to keep your chargers with your other electronics in the living room, then do that. Organization is completely dependent on the person who has to use it, so make sure it is functional for you. It is pretty easy to find dual-purpose organizational tools, as well. We have a nice leather ottoman that opens up to store things, so that is where we keep extra blankets in the living room. The lid also flips over, so it can be a comfy footrest or it has a flat wooden side that can be used for a coffee table. Efficiency! I also reccomend decorative pieces that have more than one function. For example, we have a cute glass-top table that has a small wine rack under it, so on the table we have wine-related paraphenalia (a container for corks, a cute little trinket, etc.) including a wine carrier with a lid...we keep bags in it for when we walk the dog! It's decorative AND practical!

3. Decorate
A lot of people have the mentality that if it is a rental space, they won't be there for long so it isn't a big deal to live in a bare apartment...but those people are wrong. Seriously, just putting some things up on the walls can do wonders for making you feel at home. We have AT LEAST 15 photo frames in our living room alone. They them! They've got pictures of our families, puppies, friends, etc. I am a photo-buff, so it makes sense that I would have framed pictures everywhere, but even if you only have one picture you like, get it blown up to a 5x7 or 8x10, buy an inexpensive frame from Wal-Mart or TJ Maxx (another great place for apartment therapy stuff), and set it up somewhere. Hang stuff on the walls! We have a few canvases up, a medium-sized decorative mirror (mirrors make rooms look larger!), and a cute coat hanging rack with a white shelf above it. It also helps to add bookshelves. They can be used to store books (duh...we have three already - insert sheepish grin) but they can also be used for photo frames or candles. We love candles, too.
My last decorating tip can be summed up in two words: Kroger. Flowers. I am a sucker for fresh flowers; to me they just make the room look so much more inviting and pretty! However, florists are crazy expensive and I've found that flowers from the grocery store last about the same amount of time (with proper care) and are much cheaper. I rarely even buy them full price! Check out your local Kroger (or Marsh, maybe Meijer) and ask the person at the floral counter where the discounted bouquets are. I am frequently finding bouquets of Lillies (my favorite), Daisies, mixed flowers, Roses, and more for $0.50-$3.00. I asked once and the lady there told me that they discount them (dramatically!) when the first flower either opens (in the case of flowers like Lillies that come closed) or begins to wilt. I don't know if ya'll have ever had flowers but you can make them look presentable for DAYS after these things start to happen, so buy them, put them in some water and admire your cheap, fancy decor! Don't forget to change the water every 2-3 days and clip the stems (at a diagonal) every 1-2 days, or follow the care instructions included.

4. Get a Pet OR Get Outside
So this one is more of an avoidance/cover-up, haha. I highly recommend getting a dog or a cat. I LOVE LOVE LOVE animals and I have always had pets. Now, Jess and I have two of the sweetest doggies and it makes life so much better and more enjoyable, even living in a tiny little apartment. Don't get me wrong, they are a lot of work and expensive. Before getting a pet you HAVE to determine whether or not you can afford it. This includes food, treats (they've gotta have them! I bake my own, I'll share sometime), vet bills, monthly flea/tick/heartworm medicine, and other various things like if you are going to get them groomed professionally or not. You also need to consider what you will do if and when you go out of town. Will they go with you? Do you have someone that can keep them? Can you afford to board them at a pet hotel? It's a huge undertaking, but if you think it can work, I highly recommend it. Cats are less work than dogs, but also usually less rewarding - they don't show affection like dogs do.
If you're not into pets, get out! I mean, get out of the apartment and do something. Get a hobby, join a club, etc. If your apartment is small and not very homey, then don't spend any more time than you have to in it. Go for walks, go window (or real, if you're fancy) shopping, go to the zoo, the park, or a friend's house to hang out. There are plenty of things to do to keep you busy. Jess and I love to go to the movies and we've found that if you go during the day it is so much cheaper! Here, the AMC theater is only $6 before noon and $7.50 until 4pm, talk about a deal! Remember, this one is an either/or type of situation - don't go getting a pet and then staying out every day, because then your poor puppy or kitty will be lonely!

I hope these tips help you like they've helped me - apart from it being an apartment and having neighbors, landlords, and the common living problems, I really like our apartment and I'm always looking for more to make it a home. Comment if you have any other ideas, tips, or tricks!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Better Late Than Never: My Favorite Chili Recipe!

It's been forever since I wrote a post, sorry!  By forever I mean, like a week and a half.  But still, I had been doing so well!  Things just get busy, I suppose.  I have a lot of projects lined up, so hopefully I can get to sewing, crafting, and cooking more...but probably not until after my vacation next week!  Jess & I are headed to Myrtle Beach for a wedding and then I get to spend a few days with my bestie in North Carolina, yay!  To hold y'all over until then, here's an easy recipe for scrumtious chili!

I'm not normally a fan of chili. I mean, it's alright, but it doesn't quite excite me like it does some people. However, with enough cornbread and crackers I can enjoy a bowl every now and then. This never-ending winter has left me needing some more hot, spicy (sometimes), and filling dishes, thus, I made chili the other day. I've made this same recipe before, but I did it in the crockpot. This one I did in a pot on the stove: same results. So it is really whichever you prefer. It is easy, pretty cheap, and makes enough to feed an entire football team. Seriously, Jess and I ate chili for days. He's not complaining or if he is it isn't to me! Ha. But really, if you aren't trying to eat the same thing for 5-6 meals, maybe you should half this recipe or make all of it and freeze some, I've heard that works.

2 lbs ground meat (I've used beef & turkey with good results)
1 onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 (15 oz) cans Pinto Beans, rinsed and drained
24 oz (roughly) of tomato sauce (for me this was one large and one small can)
3.5 cups beef broth
1 (6 oz) can tomato paste
1 (7 oz) can chopped green chilis OR 1-2 fresh diced jalapenos (if you use the jalapenos, cook them with the onions)
2 TBSP chili powder
1 TBSP steak sauce
3 TSP cumin
2 TSP Cayenne pepper (this makes it pretty spicy, reduce if you're not into hot foods)
1 TSP paprika
1 TSP hot sauce

It's as simple as this:

Brown your meat, drain, set aside.

Cook onions in a little bit of olive oil (or the grease from meat) until soft and transluscent. Add garlic and cook another 1-2 minutes.

Mix everything together in a large pot (or crock pot) and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer, cover, and let cook for a few hours so all the flavors meld together. I let mine cook for about 4 hours, but I'm sure it would be delicious after 1.

I also cooked a few cups of bowtie pasta to mix in (I like it, some think it's blasphemous) and made cornbread muffins. You can serve with garnishes like sour cream or shredded cheese.