Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Margherita Pizza (with a twist)

My pizza-topping-tastes have changed dramatically over the years. While I was never a "cheese-only" kind of person, I did find comfort in a plain pepperoni pizza when I was a kid. Then It became pepperoni & sausage, then I added olives. Now, as an adult I will pretty much eat anything and everything on my pizza EXCEPT MUSHROOMS. Gross.

*actually gagging because mushrooms gross me out so much*

One of my favorite pizzas lately has been the Athenian from Mackenzie River Pizza Company, which is basically just a margherita pizza with kalamatta olives. That is what I was trying to replicate here and I came very close to succeeding. I made a balsamic glaze to drizzle over this one, so it was sort of a caprese pizza? Wait, what is the difference between caprese and margherita? Is there a difference? Does margherita specifically refer to tomato, mozzarella, and basil on a pizza? Whatever.

I frequently make my own pizza crust, but this day I did not because it makes 4 crusts and I was home alone and had some Mama Marie's pre-made crusts in the cabinet and that was 100% easier. However, feel free to substitute whatever pizza crust you typically use.

Also, a note about roasted garlic: this should have it, but alas I had to use powdered/minced-dried. I love roasted garlic. LIKE, LOVE LOVE WANT TO MARRY. But I have never been able to make it at home because my oven hates me. On this particular day, it burnt it to a crisp, even though it was only in the oven at 375F for 25 minutes. WOOF. So, if your oven is cooperative and you can make roasted garlic, do that. If not, be like me and take the easy/quick-fix way out.

Most of the amounts here are up to your own discretion, I like more cheese and less tomato, but you make like more tomato, etc. You do you.

your favorite pizza crust (personal size, think 7-10")
1.5 tablespoons olive oil
Garlic, either 1/2 tsp powdered, 2 cloves minced, or 2 cloves roasted
Fresh Mozzarella, 4-5 thin slices
Roma tomato, I used about 1/2 sliced thin
Kalamatta olives, I used about 7 sliced in half
Fresh basil leaves, 3-5, chiffonade
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Salt & Pepper to taste
the twist: olives! 
Preheat oven to 425.

In small bowl, combine olive oil, garlic, and salt & pepper to taste. Brush pizza crust with half of mixture and bake for 5 minutes to firm it up a bit.

Add mozzarella, sprinkle with salt & pepper. Add tomatoes, sprinkle with salt & pepper. Add olives, sprinkle with salt & pepper. Bake 10 minutes.

Add basil leaves and bake another 3-5 minutes.
A. I need a new camera B. I need a macro-lens for said camera...I love up-close shots of food!
Add balsamic to remaining olive oil mixture and drizzle over pizza.

Dig in!

Can we get closer? 
Yes. Yes we can. 

*All baking times are completely subjective, it depends on your crust and how crisp/soft you like your pizza. Start with a short time and add a few minutes at a time until the pizza reaches your desired doneness.

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