Saturday, August 22, 2015

Keeping up with the Cleaning

Sorry this is late! I had a really busy Thursday and completely forgot yesterday, so here it is.

It is probably pretty obvious with my organization and Type A-ness that I need things to be clean. Not just clutter-free, but I love having a dust-free home, too! Obviously this is not always achievable, but as a general rule I do 30 minutes of moderate cleaning every weekday and then every two to three weeks I will spend an afternoon deep-cleaning.

On a day-to-day basis I'm a big fan of Clorox disinfecting and cleaning wipes for cleaning bathroom and kitchen surfaces. However every other week I will use a sponge and Clorox Bleach cleaner spray, being careful not to get any on my clothes and rinsing thoroughly! I have a feather duster that I use regularly for a light cleaning, then pledge and a dusting cloth for the deep-cleaning days. That is how I differentiate between a "moderate" and a "deep" cleaning day, it is pretty simple.
My cleaning bucket! I started as my shower bucket at AXO, decorated by my Big Sis, and it has evolved from there. 

Monday: wipe down bathroom counter & sink, clean mirror clean toilet, clean shower

Tuesday: clean kitchen counters, sink, stove, microwave, and refrigerator door/handles

Wednesday: sweep bathroom and kitchen/entry (I also mop these floors every other week or as needed...ahem, dogs.)

Thursday: dust literally every surface that didn't get wiped down on Monday & Tuesday (bookshelves, nightstands, coffee table, TV stand, wine rack, etc.)

Friday: vacuum all carpet (bedroom, living room, and rugs for me)

This schedule works for me because A. I have a flexible work schedule where I'm generally home early and can fit in 20-40 minutes of cleaning every day and B. I have a tiny apartment. I realize that people who have more than 4 rooms in their home, have children, or a much longer workday would struggle with keeping up a routine like this, but I encourage you to set a schedule that works for you and maintain it. I have events in my phone calendar so that it is a recurring reminder that "oh I've gotta sweep the floors when I get home today." Once you do it for a few weeks it becomes second nature, promise. AND you'll feel so much better and rarely* have those "my house is so dirty I have to spend 7 hours making it presentable to company" days.

*I cannot promise "never"

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