Monday, August 10, 2015

Meal Planning: Breakfast

( fancy photos here...)

I'm quite organized and get a little flustered when I don't have a plan for things. Therefore, I have a clear vision of most meals that I'm going to eat for...embarrassingly...several weeks into the future. This post and the next two will just be short lists of things that I eat for breakfast, lunch, and snacks in case you're looking for some inspiration.
My pretty cake stand doubles as a fruit stand whenever I don't have cake...
I usually keep my options open with breakfast, and grab whatever I'm feeling like that morning. But I always always always keep at least one "basic breakfast" in the kitchen so I don't find myself splurging at Panera twice a week or whatever...sometimes is ok, but not regularly.

1. Toast - with butter, peanut butter, a reasonable* amount of Nutella, jelly if you like it

2. Oatmeal - Quaker Lower Sugar instant oatmeal alone or with a sliced banana

3. Fruit - an apple, some mixed berries, a mango, grapefruit, some combination of all of these

4. Freezer Waffles - sometimes you just need an Eggo Blueberry Toaster Waffle...

*HA HA HA HA good luck

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